Student Fee Information & Waivers

School Fees image

Student Fee Policy

Student Fee Schedule

Student Fee Schedule lists all fees required (and optional fees) as an enrolled student at Valley Academy

Student Fee Waiver Applications

School Fee Notice K-6

Aviso de Cuotas Escolares Para Familias de Estudiantes de Grados Kinder-6

Student Fee Notice 7-8

Aviso de Cuotas Escolares Para Familias de Estudiantes de Grados 7-8

Specific Required Fees

General Middle School Fee

Our "General" school fee is how Valley funds materials for our Family and Consumer Science (FACS) class. This fee is $0

Mountain Biking Elective

This fee is to help fund our mountain biking elective. The fee covers  repairs and maintenance of bikes. The class fee is $0

Art Elective Fees

This fee is to help fund our Art elective. The fee covers Instructional supplies . The class fee is $0. 

Ceramic Elective

This fee is to help fund our Ceramic elective. The fee covers Instructional supplies . The class fee is $0. 

AG Science

This fee is to help fund our Agricultural Science (AG Science). The fee covers Purchase of animals and feed . The class fee is $0. 

American Heritage

This fee is for our 8th grade students to attend a trip to learn more about our American Heritage. This trip could include Washington DC, State Capital, and other places. This fee will not exceed $1400. Please contact Valley Academy for more info.

Ski Club

Valley's Ski Club has up to 4 trips (days) per year to either Brianhead or Beaver Mountain. Each day is up to $75 (not to exceed $300 per year)

Contact Mr. Tanner at 435-635-7815 for more information on paying this fee.

7th Grade Utah History Wagon Trek

This fee is for participation in our annual Utah History Wagon Trek that is over 3 days and travels through several towns including a famous ghost town. The fee will not exceed $110

Student Council Leadership Trip

This fee is for student council members that are participating in the Disneyland Leadership Trip. This fee will not exceed $1105

7th Grade Wagon Trek

Utah History Wagon Trek

Picture of the Utah History Wagon Trek

7th Grade students upcoming Utah History Trip is April 23-26, 2023.